So history lover, you’re bored on the
weekend and have nothing to watch. Fancy some history? Then read on….
I’m a bit of a YouTube connoisseur, and
it’s where you can sample the best historical series to watch in your spare time; I would recommend buying the DVDs though, so you can watch them all the time! I actually gave up YouTube for Lent, but on
this Easter Sunday I couldn’t wait any longer:
Fit to Rule: How royal illness changed
history by Lucy Worsley:
I LOVE this woman. She is so full of
personality, and you can’t help but find her enthusiasm contagious.
This series looks at the illnesses that
plagued our nation’s kings and queens, and takes a long hard look at whether
this impacted their reign. Henry VIII’s jousting accident for example, did that
alter his personality?
The series has a total of 3 episodes:
The Worst jobs in History by Tony Robinson:
This 7-part series is a hilarious look at
the worst jobs throughout history, with each episode dedicated to an ‘Age’ e.g.
the Georgians, the Tudors etc. The second series looks more widely at ‘Rural’
and ‘Maritime’ jobs. There is some seriously disgusting stuff in these, so it’s
not for the faint-hearted, as Tony Robinson throws himself into demonstrating
every job thoroughly….
My highlight had to be Tony Robinson
dressed as a fish-wife being jostled through the streets and having an iron
bridle put over his head. The funny thing was, he actually looked like one:
A History of Scotland by Neil Oliver:
Scotland has a more violent (and in some
cases more interesting) history than England’s, and Neil Oliver is great in
presenting it. There’s less demonstration than in the above videos, but I think
Neil is such a great presenter that it doesn’t matter:
Please note that at the time of posting all
of these videos were available on YouTube!
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